Virginia- John Smith instituted military
discipline and saved Virginia at JamesTown.
Pymouth- Pilgrims landed at Plymouth
in order to be left alone and have their own religious life. This site is also how we got our thanksgiving.
Connecticut- Given a royal Charter,
also Thomas Hooker and his congregation.
Rhode Island-Roger Williams founded
Rhode Island as a colony for religious freedom.
Maine- was seperated from Massuchusetts
by the council of New England.
New Hampshire- Ann Hutchinson who created
Maryland- established for catholics
and founded by George Calvert. Act concerning religion and established religious freedom.
Carolinas-The province, named "Carolina"
to honor King Charles I was divided into South Carolina and North Carolina in 1710. John Locke drew up fundamental constitution
for Carolina.
New York- In 1664 the British took New
York fro Dutch. British recaptured New Amsredam and renamed in New York.
New Jersey- In 1702, New Jersey was declared
a seperate colony. The Duke of York gave this region to twoof his friends.
Pennsylvania- CharlesII gave land to Williamm
Penn. Religious Freedom,and no church Hierarchy.
Deleware- Broke away from Pennsylvania.
Georgia- Resettled poor and criminals, colony
was tightly disciplined, no slaves, alcohol, nor catholics.
Mayflower Compact- 1620 First agreement for
self government in America. Signed by 41 men and set up a government for the Plymouth colony.
William Bradford- Pilgrim, second govenor of
Plymouth, developed private land ownership and helped colonist get out of debt.
Pilgrims and Puritans Contrasted- Pilgrims
were seperatists, and puritans were not. Pilgrims settled in America, and Puritans settled in Massachussetts.
Massachussetts- King Charles gave Puritans
the right to settle in this colony.
Cambridge Agreement- agreed to emigrate to
New England and have control over the government.
Puritan Migration- Emigrated from England to
Church of England- Founded by KIng Henry,
included Romans Catholic, and Protestant Ideas.
John Winthrop- First govenor of Massachussets
Bay Colony. Strong beliefs in Democracy.
Seperatist, non seperatists- Non- believed
church could be purified through reforms. Seperatist believed church of England could not be reformed.